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Student Registration:-
  • Our technical team will analyze your existing system for Student Management.
  • After analysis we will make a dedicated module for student connection with our result process application.
  • This relation may be real time or bridge, depends upon analysis and management meeting.

Exam form:-
  • We will provide you facility to open exam form for different exam for students.
  • Form fee student can submit by bank gateway or we can generate an encryption safe challan for bank.
  • We are covering different exam
    1. Main Exam
    2. Back Exam
    3. Special Back
    4. Re-Check Form

Admit card:-
  • UMS will generate admit card and student can download admit card online.
  • We are implementing some security code on admit cards, that will help University to check that admit card is not fake.

Marks feeding:-
  • Exam department will generate code against exam copy code.
  • UMS will provide a panel to feed marks, here faculty can see generated code and can feed marks against them.
  • This is very much secure panel, secured by run time access code for registred faculty only.

Moderation and TR:-
  • After marks feeding we are providing moderation facility to make grading system result.
  • After moderation we can take printout for TR.

Result publish:-
  • We can publish result online for students.
  • Students can check result by enrollment number

  • We can generate marksheet with University approved format.
  • We can take printout of marksheet.

  • UMS can calculate backlogs of student.
  • Students can fill back exam form as per backlog.

  • UMS can generate provisional certificate.